Friday, December 31, 2010

Random Thoughts on the Old/New Year

Two years ago, as we bid farewell to 2008, Marsha and I added a heart-felt "Good riddance" to the traditional toast. After all, 2008 was the year that brought us breast cancer and Parkinson's Disease. As we looked ahead to 2009 and beyond, we anticipated better times, or at least not worse times. And certainly not "The Great Recession." Anyway, here we are preparing to bid another not-so-fond farewell to 2010 and wondering what 2011 has in store for us.

Is this the last New Year my mom will see? Certainly the odds are in favor of that, given her increasing frailty. The good news is that she's 99 and ready for whatever comes her way. Or doesn't.

Will 2011 be the year of my retirement? And if so, what will I do with my days that's worthwhile? Will our savings and investments be sufficient to keep us living as we like to live?

Will we move from Hillsdale to an expanded Last Run in the Catskills, or is something entirely different in the cards for us? Will our kids and grandkids continue to live in South Bend and Atlanta? I'd say so, but who knows?

In 2011 Cris will be 13, Emma Kate will be 11, Jack will turn 4, and his little sister ( apparently) will be born. And those four young people will make 2011 a wonderful year, regardless of whatever else may happen.

Back to where I started this entry, Marsha has been free of cancer for 2 years now, and the new drug trial I'm in has virtually eliminated the symptoms of my Parkinson's. Looking back, it seems to me, we spend too much time worrying about what may happen in the future and not enough time enjoying the moment. My only resolution is that I will try to tip that balance for myself and as many other people I can affect. Happy New Year to all!